Caroline de Otero is a French-Spanish artist living in the South of France. She has started photography as early as 11-year old, and later got an art degree at Louis Lumière school in Paris. First established in Paris she worked for several film productions as Director of Photography. Then in Biarritz (SW France) she has spent most of her career working as a photographer for agencies, the media, as well as cultural institutions, and as unit photographer on movie sets. Her work has been published in prominent newspapers such as Libération, Les Cahiers du Cinema, and The Financial Times and been shown in art galleries and festivals. She has received numerous prizes and awards in France and Spain ( Polaroid France 1983, Medio Ambiante Vitoria Spain 2006, Bask Diaspora for Bask Museum France 2016, Prize for Documentary film at International Independant Film Festival France 2018, Polyptique Selection at The Photographic Center of Marseille France 2019 ) For the last 15 years, Caroline de Otero has concentrated on directing and producing art-focused documentaries. Her approach is documentary photography as she is travelling abroad. In her studio in Provence, she now also dedicates some of her time working around abstract still-life.
2024 « Red over Black on Black » for Noëlisation - group show - Espace GT MundArt - Marseille
2024 « Together for the ARTISTS of GAZA » - group show - Galerie des Grands Bains Douches - Marseille - France
2024 « Mirleft, the village to the left of the sea » - Gold Medal - Architecture - Maghreb Photography Awards
2023 " Virgen Azul" - Noëlisation - group show - Espace GT / Mund'Art - Marseille - France
2023 « El Divino de la Muerte » - solo show - Espace La Nuit Tous les Chats sont Gris - Marseille - France
2023 « Nature morte...ou pas » - exposition Open Studios Marseille - Silver prints - Dominique Cerf studio
2022 « Nikki Smith meets love at Lido beach » photo-novel - show and edition Open Studios Marseille - Lorraine Thomas Gallery
2022 « METAMORPHOSIS » - group show - Chapelle St Jacques - Pertuis - France
2022 « CLOSED FOREVER » - solo show - Chapelle St Roch - Pertuis - France
2021 « ¡Cuba si! » - selection for Photographic Nights - SELMA - Alabama - USA
2021 « Emprise contre attaque » - group show - Emprise gallery - Marseille - France
2020 « Quotidie » & « Sofa on the street » - solo show - Galerie du Tableau - Marseille - France
2020 « Gélatine » - Atelier BoiSakré - OAA - Marseille - France
2019 Selection Polyptyque price 2019 - Group show - Marseille Photographic Center
2019 "IN VIVO" - group show - INVISIBLE gallery - Marseille - France
2018 "TOTEMS" - group show - Charivari gallery - Marseille - France
2018 "Sofas on the street » - L'Hypothèse du Lieu - Marseille - France
2017 "Regard sur l'Asie" - group show - Asiatica Museum - Biarritz - France
2017 "Autels particuliers" et "Andalucia" - solo show - Biarritz Historical Museum - France
2016 "TOTEMS" - 2nd prix « Artists' perspectives on the Basque Diaspora » Basque Museum Bayonne - France
2015 “Le Temps d’Aimer…La Danse” - retrospective - Gare du Midi - Biarritz - France
2010 Edition histoiry and recipes : « Chocolate in basque country » - Artza editions
2010 "Swiecinski collection at a glance" - group show - Guethary Museum - France
2009 "12 x 12" - group show - Pasaia - San Sebastián & Huarte - Spain
2009 Edition of an Art book : Travel in the Himalayas - Asiatica Museum collection
2008 "Looks at the Water" - group show - Hendaye - France
2007 "Guernica at a glance" - group show - Hendaye - France
2007 Edition of a 4th photo-novel - "Boucau, Port d’attache" - France
2007 1st Contemporary Art Market dedicated to Surfing - Biarritz - France
2007 Group show, Environment Institute - Vitoria-Gasteiz - Spain
2006 Edition of 3 photos-novels “L’Univers est courbe” (Ed.Atlantica) France
2006 4° price Photographic Competition of the Institute for the Environment - Vitoria - Spain
2006 "Erakusketa 12cm" - group show - Pasaia - San Sebastián - Espagne
2005 « Ciriza-n" - group show - Pasaia - San Sebastian - Spain
2004 "the Mystery of the Abyss" - solo show - Museum of the Sea - Biarritz - France
2004 "Chambre 5 » - solo show - Festival Biarritz Terre d’Images - France
2003 "No a la Guerra" - solo show - Espace Le Madrid - Guéthary - France
2000 « Quotidie" - solo show -"Jornadas Fotográficas » - Galerie Zazpi - Zarautz - Spain
1994 "Le Temps d’Aimer… La Danse » - solo show - Palais des Festivals - Biarritz - France
Caroline de Otero nació en 1962 de madre francesa y de padre español, por eso tiene doble cultura.
Después de su Diploma de Técnico Superior en Fotografía en la escuela Louis Lumière (Paris), trabaja durante los años 80, como directora de la fotografía para varios productores de películas.
Luego, se fue para Biarritz donde esta trabajando como fotógrafa (con galerías y para festivales en Francia y España), como profesora (dirige un curso de foto y de video en el Departamento Imagen de la Mediateca de Biarritz), y como directora de cine.
Desde 2005, Caroline de Otero se concentró en la dirección y la producción de documentales (retratos de artistas para la “Base Sous-Marine” de Burdeos, seguimiento de creación de coreografías para el CCN Malandain Ballet Biarritz, etc. (
Ahora, Carolina comparte su actividad entre la Provenza y el Pais Vasco.